Monroe, LA Pool inspection

Inground Pool Inspection in Monroe, LA

Landscaping Inspection Services is called out to inspect a pool for what the insured claimed was “rain damage.”

Monroe, LA Landscaping Inspection

After a season of heavy rains, Landscaping Inspection Services was called out to inspect a pool in Monroe, LA. Our inspector visited the property in question and spoke with the insured. The insured was present during the inspection and explained that an extreme amount of rain had fallen in a short amount of time, causing the liner to wrinkle.

Observations Made During Inspection

Our inspector visited the property and inspected the pool and surrounding areas and made the following observations:

  • The pool liner was approximately 3 to 4 years old, and showed no signs of tears or cracks.
  • Wrinkles were present in the vinyl liner, including the area where the liner had separated from the pool wall.
  • The pool was holding water.
  • The land around the pool slopes down, putting the pool at the bottom of a hill.
  • There were a couple of cracks in the pool decking that had been patched.
  • All of the pool equipment functioned properly.
  • The pool had been properly maintained.

Analysis of Landscaping Inspection Observations

The slope in the backyard contributed to an already excessive amount of water that surrounded the pool after it had rained. Rain water would have run down the hill and gotten between the pool wall and the liner. There is no relation between the patched cracks in the deck and the situation with liner.

A liner typically lasts anywhere from 8-12 years. When excessive ground water causes a liner to float, the liner usually goes back to its original position. However, in some cases a liner may need to be replaced or re-set.

It was the opinion of our inspector that the liner did not need to be replaced, but should be re-set. It was also the opinion of our inspector that this situation could recur with another heavy rainstorm.

Cause of Loss in Monroe, LA Landscaping Inspection

It was the opinion of our inspector that a major rain event (March 2016) generated excessive ground water in the insured’s backyard, and caused the liner to float.

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